Erectile Dysfunction

What Does An Erection Feel Like?

What Is Erection

What Does A Boner Feel Like ?

A boner occurs whenever your penis gets filled up with blood. This action causes it to become stiff and erect. The organ also expands to its fullest possible extent. In most cases, being aroused sexually causes an erection to occur; however, there are instances wherein you may get an erection without being aroused.

Boner starts off at your brain. It can start with a thing you smelled, saw or felt. A thought may also trigger it inside the brain. Upon being aroused, the central nervous system (CNS) transmits a few biochemical messages to your arteries – especially the blood vessels supplying blood to your pelvic parts. As blood flow increases, your pelvic parts tend to relax and this further opens up an added flow of blood to come in.

As these actions are taking place, your veins are closed; this closure traps added pressure inside the cavernosa. As a result, the penis stands erect. This is how an erection feels like. As soon as an added flow of blood halts, this lets veins to get opened up. These steps make your penis to revert to its normal shape and size.

Can Boner or Erection Get Affected ?

Yes, a boner can get affected by many factors. A few of the most known reasons include aging, onset of diabetes or hypertension, living in stressful condition, habitual drinking or excessive smoking of tobacco products. With age, men may develop a few urinary conditions – such an enlarged prostate, and a possible drop in the rate of filtration of kidneys. These are believed to have an impact on boner or erection.

Those who have hypertension may have unregulated flow of blood. As the pelvic zone is located at the bottom part of the human system, a steady flow of blood may get hindered. This is one of the links between an elevated blood pressure level and possible incidence of erectile dysfunction in men.

Lifestyle habits like drinking too much of alcohol can relax your arteries excessively. This can also lead to a drop in blood pressure level – read: hypotension. Owing to these, men may report of difficulties to maintain a boner / erection.

How To Maintain Boners or Erection ?

You can maintain boners by taking a well-balanced diet. Ensure to avoid excessively fried or oily / greasy foods, and items that are highly processed; such foods can diminish the flow of blood. As you know vascular problems are a key cause for penile conditions like erectile dysfunction.

It is good thing to workout regularly. Men who exercise at last 5 times each week are known to maintain their boners well. Research goes to prove that aerobic workouts like swimming as well as running can prevent the onset of erection-related problems.

You are also advised to watch your body weight. Men who have a healthy body mass index i.e., BMI are known to brim with sexual health. Needless to state, such men keep problems like erectile dysfunction at bay.

What Does an Erection Feel Like ?

Foremost of all, you witness a warm feeling inside your groin; this happens as more blood gets into your pelvic floor. You may soon experience a milder swelling of your penis; the organs start taking an upward-angle as it starts enlarging. Also, a tightness is felt all through the shaft of your manhood tool. Moreover, you may witness a tingling sensation all across the genital parts.

Emotionally, you tend to experience a feeling of longing as soon as arousal begins. However, if you are not in a private place, an untimely erection can make your confused or embarrassed. In case of some males, the very feeling of an erection itself may turn to be a pleasure-some as well as a sexually gratifying occurrence.

Are Erections Sensitive?

Erection or boners occur due to an intricate interplay of nerve-based impulses accompanied by several forms of stimuli. These alter your testosterone as well as flow of blood. Accompanied by arousing factors like smell, touch or visuals, your penile sensitivity is on a high. These factors can be amplified by coming in physical touch with your partner, vibrations, etc.


Does An Erection Always Feel Pleasurable ?

An erection is not always a pleasurable occurrence. If it occurs in a public place, it can be quite an embarrassing thing for a male.

Can Medications Affect How An Erection Feels ?

Yes, medications like antihypertensives or antidiabetic meds can affect a boner. You are hence advised to talk to a qualified caregiving team prior to using drugs.

Does The Size of An Erection Affect The Sensation?

In general, the size of an erection does not affect the underlying sensation. In some rare cases, it may have an impact; to know more on this, you are advised to talk to a certified physician.


About Colette P

With a strong background in pharmaceutical research spanning more than a decade, I specialize in male sexual health. My research is centered on erectile dysfunction treatments, exploring their safety, efficacy, and potential to transform modern healthcare solutions.