Viagra Drug test
Controlled medications such as cocaine, morphine, amphetamines and the likes are mostly screened-for during drug tests. Here, it is important to note that viagra is not one of the substances under control.
So, if you are unlikely to be tested for taking viagra. In case of being tested, the drug may may show up on a drug test.
How drug tests work ?
Drug tests are done through checking samples of blood, sweat, urine, saliva, hair, etc. Of these tests, testing done on blood samples is considered more accurate than others. These samples reveal – in a precise measure – the availability of drug’s ingredients in your body. Such tests require the services of full-trained lab / clinical talent as well as lab equipment.
Drug tests are also done on samples of sweat as well as urine. Sweat testing is conducted when urine samples do not help with screening. Testing of saliva samples is done for use of drugs – like viagra – a long time ago. Skin patches are used to take samples of sweat. The collected sample is then assessed for presence of drugs / their metabolites.
How long does Viagra stay in your system?
Viagra stays in your system for more than 4 hours. In other words, if you are aroused within 3 – 4 hours from a dose, you may still get an erection. Those who are aged – say, more than 55 years – may see the effects to last for more than 5 hours. This is mainly because of their slackened rate of metabolism.
How does Viagra work ?
Viagra has an active chemical called sildenafil citrate. This chemical is labelled as a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor. In short, this is also called PDE 5 inhibiting med. This key chemical prevents the PDE 5 enzyme; the key task of this enzyme is to prevent your arteries form expanding.
Sildenafil citrate – by blocking this enzyme – lets your blood vessels to widen. This action enables a larger flow of blood into your pelvic floor. Once the chambers, muscles and tissues nearby your penis see a copious amount of blood flowing in, successful erection of penis becomes a natural outcome. However, always remember that - for men to have an erection, they need to be aroused sexually.
Factors that affect how long Viagra is in your system ?
Drugs like viagra can stay longer in your system if you have hepatic disorders like cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, etc. Liver plays a vital role in processing viagra. Hence, those who have such conditions may see it linger for long in their body.
Also, those who have conditions like diabetes may need to be watchful of possible changes in the time takes for this PDE inhibiting med to get flushed out of your system. Those who are taking antihypertensive meds – like calcium channel blockers (CCBs), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) blockers, etc. – must inform their doctor of such medication plans.
Will Viagra make you fail a drug test ?
Viagra is not one of the controlled medications. Hence, the presence of active ingredients of this med in blood is unlikely to cause problems. The key chemicals of viagra can be traced in blood for up to ~ 21 – 22 hours. This is because the half life period of sildenafil is ~ 4 hours. It takes 5 – 6 cycles for this drug to exit your system; so, ~ 4-hours times 5 equals ~ 20 hours.
You are unlikely to ‘fail’ the drug test, as use of viagra is neither illegal not is banned. Hence, the question of failing does not arise in case of PDE 5 inhibitors like viagra.
How long does sildenafil stay in your system ?
Sildenafil stays in your system for more than 20 hours. In some older men, this med can stay back for longer hours – of say, up to 24 – 28 hours.
Does tadalafil show up on a drug test ?
Tadalafil is likely to show up in case of tests done on blood samples. But as tadalafil is also is not a controlled item, you may not be pulled up for using this PDE 5 inhibitor med.
Does Viagra show up on a 12-panel drug test ?
The 12-panel drug test aims to detect the presence of widely abused substances stimulants like 1- cocaine, 2- methamphetamine and 3- amphetamine, depressants such as 4- propoxyphene, 5- methadone, 6- benzodiazepines and 7- barbiturates, hallucinogens like 8- MDMA and 9- PCP as well as 10- opioids. As PDE 5 inhibitors like viagra are not included in 12-panel testing, intake of viagra will not show up.
How long does 100mg Viagra stay in your system ?
Viagra 100 mg will stay back in your system for up to 22 hours. If the effects last longer, you are advised to talk to your treating doctor.
Will blue chew show up on a drug test ?
Blue chew may show up in tests done on your samples. It may show up on tests done on urine samples as well.